History has witnessed the downfall of communism and of every country that accepted it. Death, destruction, and desolation followed everywhere communism went. Over 100 million people have been killed under communist regimes, forcing people to discard this malignant ideology. Even though most of the communist regimes have ended, the ideology cannot be eliminated. An idea is just like a virus, resilient and almost impossible to eradicate. And this virus is infecting millions without them even realizing it.

How To Destroy A Nation
Democracy, culture, capitalism, and military are the four pillars of a nation. Breaking any one of these is enough for a nation to stumble and that is exactly what the communists are doing.
- Why Democracy?
Democracy gives people the power to vote for their government. When people have the power, they are not going to vote for an ideology that has been the cause of genocides. To ensure that a communist power takes over, this pillar has to be hammered. The power of voting has to be taken away to ensure that the communist party rules for eternity.
- Why Culture?
Culture is the strength of many Asian civilizations. It encompasses the moral values, rituals, traditions, science, medicine, art, literature, all of which solidify the foundation of a nation, especially in Asia. People with strong cultural backgrounds and wisdom will never go for communism which is exactly why this pillar has to be battered.
- Why Capitalism?
Capitalism provides a fair playground for the people to make a fortune with their efforts. The more quality effort a person puts in, the more successful the person becomes. This is the basic concept of karma that communism does not believe in. To enforce their wretched concept of equality, this pillar has to be broken.
- Why Military?
The military protects the nation, ensuring that the other 3 pillars stand tall. No wonder this pillar has to be smashed.

The communists themselves never step into the battlefield. Instead, they brainwash innocent people to pick up arms for their selfish interests, especially the youth. The youth is the future of a nation. They have the power to build a nation or destroy it. Targeting the youth is the best way to ensure the collapse of any nation. The older generation has a great amount of knowledge and is firm with their morals, making them immune to communist propaganda. But the youth, due to their ignorance, can be easily brainwashed. With the advent of technology, the fastest way to spread a message is through media and the communists have realized this better than anyone. Most of the media is dominated by communist ideology. But, if most of the countries have discarded communism, how has the same toxic ideology re-emerged. It is all due to rebranding with more fancy words like liberalism, feminism, wokeism, secularism, left, etc.
What is Liberalism?

The literal meaning of liberal is open-mindedness. As utopian as this may sound, the implication of this ideology is quite the opposite when put together with communism. An ideology that has killed millions, that is against the government, against culture, against values, against military be called liberal or open-minded, NO. Liberalism is not about accepting every opinion but only accepting the ones that go hand in hand with communism. Throwing people into the inescapable dungeon of vices is the best way to weaken a nation from the inside. Promoting alcohol, drugs, clubbing, gambling, sexual liberation ensures that the nation’s population wastes their lives instead of engaging in something productive. It is obvious that the mature older population will speak up against this. This is where the part of labeling them as conservative, regressive, oppressive, orthodox, and calling yourself liberal comes in, to turn tides in your favour and create a false perception. However, if these people who call themselves liberals truly mean that, they will have no problem accepting the so-called regressive opinions of people. The meaning of liberal, in a political context, is not open-mindedness but acceptance of all self-destructive tendencies. When most people will accept such a lifestyle, the countdown of a nation’s downfall will begin.
What is Feminism?

What began as a movement to give equal rights to women has now turned into feminazism, a tool to oppress men. There is no denying that women were oppressed, literally burned to ashes under the name of witch-hunting, in European nations. Women had to get out on the streets to demand equal rights. The concept of feminism is justified in this context. But, feminism has a different meaning in Asian countries like India where women held a higher status for centuries. India is one of the very few countries where women are worshiped. Patriarchy started developing in the recent 500 years after invasions from the peaceful community, British, Portuguese, Dutch, etc, (more on that later.) Feminism is used in India to portray patriarchy as part of Indian culture and tradition, making people hate their own culture. Feminism is not about providing equal rights to women, which they are already getting, but oppressing men. Feminism is not about empowering women, but provoking them to do obscene activities for the sake of battling the so-called toxic patriarchy that does not exist. When half of the population is fighting the other half, that is the best time for communism to take over.
What is Wokeism?

The word woke means to have been awakened or the state of being awake. In this context, it means to wake up and see the oppression taking place everywhere. Oppression because of race, oppression from the government, oppression from corporates. If there is no oppression, the communists will create a fake narrative against the government and corporates. Suffering is a part of this mortal world, everyone has to go through pain. The communists make use of this resentment amongst people and blame the government and corporates for it. They tell the poor that they are poor because of evil corporates oppressing them and not because of lack of effort. They tell the citizens that their life is miserable because the government, which they themselves voted for, is oppressing them. Similar fake narratives are created against the dominant race or caste to create further divides amongst people. However as mentioned previously, the communist themselves are not going to fight against this oppression but provoke the innocent citizens to pick up arms. When a big part of the population goes on a killing spree, the nation will be obliterated.
What is Secularism?

Secularism is another word that sounds too good, but things change when it comes to application. This word is dangerous in the Indian context. India is one of the most secular countries in the world with a history of never invading anyone due to religious differences. It promotes the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which translates to “the world is one family.” Even though India prays for the welfare of people from the entire world regardless of their faith, some other communities in the world do not. Many communities and countries have invaded India with the purpose to convert the Indian population. A huge amount of people were converted to Islam and Christianity and those who did not comply had to face the worst possible torture imaginable. Over 60 million Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists were killed only due to their faith. Sadly, no one preached the peaceful community or the British, Portuguese about secularism. However, when a small minority of Hindus retaliate, the word secularism fired from all directions on them. It is nothing but another tool to destabilize a nation.
What is The Left?
Although leftists and communists are not exactly similar, both are responsible for the destruction of a nation by promoting similar ideas like freedom and equality.
How the communists and leftists are using media to drive their narrative. Breaking down the major media platforms used.
Films: the epitome of influence.

Among all of the types of media, the one with the biggest influence is the film industry. Even some of the strongest world leaders cannot influence someone to the extent films can. From the way people walk, talk, live, to the clothes they wear, the food they eat, products they buy, everything is influenced by films and media. Communists are using films to the fullest to propagate their ideology. However, their propaganda is never direct, but very subtle, requiring a sharp mind to detect. It enters the subconscious mind, polluting the perception of reality.
A productive, intelligent citizen is a big threat to communism. This is why the citizens have been weakened by throwing them in the black hole of vices. This topic has been covered in detail in this article: How films corrupt people.
After this comes the part of driving these people against the establishment. It would be a behemoth task to count every single anti-establishment film made as they are existing since the black and white era of cinema, but V for Vendetta, The Platform, Parasite, Joker, Battleship Potemkin, Money Heist just to name a few. All of these films have either the government or the corporates as the villain with the common people starting a rebellion against them. Almost all zombie or dystopian films show the corporates responsible for the destruction of the world. They constantly keep hammering that the rich are sucking the life out of the poor. Unknowingly it seeps into the subconscious that the corporates are an evil that should be eradicated. Killing the rich and leveling the structure is the only way to move ahead. Many youngsters are filled with hatred against the corporates.

These communist films always take place in a fantasy world because these absurd concepts can only work in fantasy. In real life, only the ones who work hard can rise to the top. There are many millionaires with humble beginnings, getting success because of their effort and persistence. All of the richest men in the world have generations of hard work behind them. They had to work for 18 hours a day, every day without holidays while sacrificing everything to attain that level of success. They are not living in luxury while pillaging the poor as shown in these communist films. Instead, they are creating more job opportunities for the people. The solution for poverty is hard work and not rebelling against the corporates. It will cause nothing but anarchy which is exactly what the communists want. If a corporate is doing evil activities, there is a legal way to action against them. Anarchy is never the answer. Also, good and evil people exist everywhere. Being rich does not equal evil.
The second thing these anti-establishment films target is a nationalist government. Ask anyone to name a dictator, Hitler will be the instant answer. Throughout history, uncountable films have been made portraying the cruelty of Hitler. Most of these films convey the idea that nationalistic ideology was the cause of Hitler’s tyrannical activities. Again, this concept that “nationalism is evil” has seeped into the minds of people, especially youngsters. So many youngsters keep crying about toxic nationalism and jingoism. They feel that being proud of your nation and culture is the root of all evil. For them nationalism is fascism.

The fact is that Mao, Lenin, Stalin have killed way more people than Hitler. However, no one ever associated them with a tyrannical dictator. The Khmer Rouge has wiped out 25% of Cambodia’s population. But, barely anyone is aware of that. The communists have been successful in using films to drive their narrative, hiding their mass killings. Films have been made on these genocides as well but they were never promoted by the puppet media of communists. All of the mainstream award shows and film festivals laud only those films that promote sexual liberation, LGBTQ agenda, communism, etc. The most recent example is The power of the dog, a film hated by the public, yet received accolades in film festivals and even an Oscar nomination simply because it promoted sexual liberation.

Another example is The Dark Knight Rises which exposed communism was showered with negative reviews based on meaningless arguments. No one talked about the parallels the film had with communism. The previous installment, The Dark Knight, was only praised for Heath Ledger’s acting and not for the brilliant message it had against anarchists. Heath Ledger was used as a tool to distract the people from the philosophy of the film. People are idolizing Joker instead of Batman all thanks to the leftist media. The Dark Knight Trilogy is a must-watch for anyone who wants to see the brutal reality of communism.
What about Bollywood?
Get one thing clear, Bollywood does not represent India. Instead, it is the stark opposite. Even in Bollywood, many anti-establishment films have been made where the villain is always some businessman or a mill owner. The killing of the mill owner by the workers is considered justice and celebrated. Films promoting sexual liberation have also been made in recent years which 95% of the population cannot relate to. But, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The bigger problem is the constant demonization of Indian culture. Almost every other film made by Bollywood portrays a Hindu as a villain, a rapist, or a murderer. Simple things such as a saffron Tilak, Rudraksha necklace, Sanskrit Shlokas have been associated with evil practices. A saint is always shown as a fraud, a temple is always shown as a place where rapes occur, festivals like Holi is the time when molestation happens. Instead of blaming the criminal mindset of the villain, Bollywood directly, shamelessly associates the crime with Sanatan culture. Thanks to them, many young people are filled will venom against their own culture and nation. No one, literally no one mentioned the word secularism or intolerance when the feelings of Hindus were being ruthlessly trampled.
On the other hand, the peaceful religion has always been shown positively by Bollywood. It is always shown as more open-minded even when history has witnessed genocides because of it just for the sake of faith and conversion. It is always shown as progressive when facts cry out otherwise. Hindus, who have a history of never invading anyone for conversion, are portrayed as intolerant. And yet again, many youngsters have fallen prey to this propaganda.
The communist propaganda is more direct in recent years where many films supporting terrorism, militants, anarchists, Maoists, Naxals, have also been made. Naxals, Maoists are just a subsection of communism. Their goal is to create chaos by brainwashing the innocent villagers to pick up arms against the government. Militants are those responsible for genocides in Kashmir. Bollywood shameless calls such people freedom fighters and rebels when the facts are screaming otherwise.

Similar to Hollywood and the western film industry, film critics and film festivals are just puppets in the hands of Bollywood. All films promoting their ideology are lauded and other films never get to see the daylight. The most recent example is The Kashmir Files, a film that was totally ignored by the puppet media, a film that got zero promotions because it showed facts that went against the false narrative created by Bollywood. The critics showed it with negative reviews based on meaningless and despicable arguments while the audience loved it. Even IMDB changed its rating. On the other hand, films that the audience is rejecting are being called “Masterpiece.”
Even though most of the Indian population is aware of the propaganda, a few young kids have fallen prey to it. They are unable to see the dangerous consequences of following a sexual liberation lifestyle, western lifestyle, and supporting terrorists, Naxals, Maoists are going to have.
Bollywood does not represent India. The industry is totally detached from the ground reality. Currently, only the Telugu film industry is the one making films on moral values, family values, and Indian culture. Even the Prime Minister of India praised the Telugu film industry.

Films, although very powerful, are not enough to brainwash people. This is where other forms of media are used.
News or Spews
Most of the news outlets are dominated by leftists. Their sole occupation is to condemn the government regardless of how good it is. Their major target is a nationalist government which according to them is also known as fascist. Nationalism is a must not only for the government but also for the citizens. What good would a citizen do when he does not feel pride for his nation. Only a nationalist government, a government that respects the culture and values can make its country progress. This is exactly what communists do not like, development and progress. They want anarchy.
One way to create anarchy is to allow illegal immigration. This is why so many media outlets criticized Donald Trump’s decision to secure USA’s borders. Many media outlets criticized him again for openly speaking about terrorism from the peaceful community. On the other hand, these media outlets with keep mum when liberals provide arms and ammunition to terrorist nations. The most recent example is the Russia Ukraine conflict where fake news has risen to levels like never before. When America invaded countries, it was termed as liberation but when Russia did the same for its national security, for preventing America to get near its border, it was called an invasion.

In India, most of the news outlets are dominated by leftists like The Wire, Print, Quint, Scroll, alt news, boom, newslaundry, caravan, etc who have a track record of creating false narratives, spreading hatred, and fake news. As the current BJP government is working for the development of the nation, providing long-lost respect to Hindus, it is not possible for the leftists to remain quiet. They are doing their best to create anarchy and bring down the government with false accusations.
“Fascism” is the most common word these leftists media outlets will throw around. For them any nationalist government is fascist and they do not care to provide any evidence to justify their claim, apart from some manipulated media. Only those incidences, most of which are fake, that support their narrative are reported in the effort to portray BJP as fascist and genocidal. They only report fake incidences of violence against the peaceful community in order to allege the government for being genocidal and intolerant while completely ignoring extreme cases of violence from the peaceful community. This is not only spreading communal hatred among the viewers but also defaming India internationally.
A recent example: Many hateful statements against Hindus were made by students during the Anti-CAA protests however, none were reported by any of these media portals. Instead, they did their best to prove that the videos of students making hateful statements are fake and were implanted by BJP’s IT cell. However, it was confirmed that these videos were genuine. Even if the videos were fake, the anti-Hindu posters held by these people cannot be fake.

Another one: These media portals created the false perception that all farmers were against the farm laws which was far from the truth. Apart from farmers in a few states, most of them were in support of the laws. Another fake and disgusting fake news was that the fascist government was not paying heed to the farmers. In reality, over 100,000 seminars were held with farmers before passing the laws. The government was also ready to suspend the laws because of the protests before finally repealing them.
Is it really Fascism?

People in India are openly criticizing the government. Many stand-up comedians made their careers by abusing the government and Prime Minister. Bollywood itself is trampling the sentiments of Hindus for decades without any interference. After 2014, they have started making more of their propaganda films. If the government was fascist, these people would not exist, Bollywood would have been shut down, and most importantly, all of these leftist media portals would have been obliterated. However, they are getting complete freedom to spread their propaganda, fake news, and biased reporting.
Hindu Nationalist?

Most of the western media outlets and Indian as well refer to the Indian government as Hindu Nationalist. What the government did was bring back the long-lost respect of Hindus. They have not given any special rights to Hindus or taken away any rights from other religions. They helped to build temples on the land which rightfully belonged to Hindus. Sanatan Vedic culture is a part of Indian land for thousands of years. Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists are all part of this culture. Just like sunshine cannot be separated from the sun, the Sanatan Vedic culture cannot be separated from India. However, the leftists, unable to digest this, are shooting words like secularism, hyper toxic nationalism, jingoism to create anarchy and confusion. They will keep mum when their favored community is to blame.
Corporates will kill us?

Capitalism is a classic threat for communists. BJP government gave full freedom to corporates to do their business and no wonder these media portals are getting the heebie-jeebies. The fact is, giving freedom to corporates is the only way for a nation to develop. If by being socialist, the government takes over all private businesses, those businesses will stop prospering. If to help the poor, the government gives away goods at cheaper prices, the business will have to shut down because of not making any profit. Just look at the situation in Venezuela. It is common sense which tells us that the government will work to grow any business with the same passion as the founder. A nation is doomed if the government starts taking over businesses and provides government jobs in those businesses. The solution to poverty, unemployment is not giving away stuff or creating more government jobs. It is impossible to create that many government jobs. Instead, giving freedom to corporates will ensure the creation of more job vacancies and economic growth. All countries with socialist policies have failed but still, these media portals will keep crying about fascism.
Toxic Patriarchy?

Creating a divide between people is the day job of communists and what better than the good old gender conflict. Rather than blaming the mindset of certain people, these media outlets will link patriarchy with Sanatan Culture. Many youngsters have started to hate their own culture because of this. They believe that Hindus are patriarchal, rapist which is far from the truth. Along with this, anything related to western or liberal lifestyles is glorified. There have been many cases where Indian traditional clothing has been ridiculed. But, these media outlets did not bother to report that. On the other hand, if some random person leaves a small comment on a celebrity’s indecent clothing, these media outlets will write dozens of articles on that, trying to portray India and Sanatan culture as patriarchal. They will justify obscene clothing with statements like, “Don’t teach girls what to wear, teach boys not to rape.” They will use rape to justify obscene clothing. This is not about gender, obscene clothing is wrong regardless of whether it is worn by a boy or a girl. These media portals will never talk about women farmers who strive day and night to support their families. For them, feminism is only about doing nude photoshoots and wearing revealing clothing with a glass of alcohol in hand and a cigarette in mouth.

Most of these leftist news portals come under one foundation that is DIGIPUB, explaining why they all promote the same ideology. It is time for the government to take legal action against such portals for spreading propaganda. But, that would reinforce the false narrative of fascism being created. What is worse is the fact that these portals always rank on top in search, preventing people from getting to legit sources. To whosoever is reading, it is a humble request to stop following such media portals, stop calling them “news” portals. They are nothing but pure propaganda.
Target the base, Education.
The most sure-shot way of destroying a nation is targeting the education system, filling young children with false information, and turning them against their own nation. In India, the work of communists has been made easier by the British. In the past 1000 years, India has been invaded by many other nations for the propagation of their religion. However, none of them were successful. When the British invaded India, they received fierce responses from many Indian kings and queens as well, like Queen Abbakka, Queen Velu Nachiyar, Rani Lakshmibai, Rani Chennamma. It was a cultural shock for the British to see women, whom they burn alive under witch-hunting, fighting against them. They realized that killing everyone was not the right way to conquer India. The power of India was its culture, the people’s love for their culture, and what better way to destroy a nation’s culture than maligning the education system. The British destroyed most of India’s Gurukul system, universities and imposed Macaulay’s education system which was designed to create a negative image of India. Indians were and still are being taught the wrong history of how Indians were patriarchal, Indians were uncivilized, and how the British civilized them. Many Indians, unaware of their culture’s greatness, still believe that the west is the epitome of civilization and development. After leaving India, the British transferred the power to a certain set of people who continued to flourish their propaganda. Indians are being taught how great the tyrants like Akbar, Babur, Aurangzeb were. Because of this, many Indians are filled with venom against their own country.

Half of the communist’s job is done by the British. Now, they are focusing their energy on higher education. In certain colleges and universities of media studies, only people following leftist ideology are recruited as professors. Even for a subject like films, only films promoting leftist ideology are shown to students, along with a lecture on how to fight a fascist government and corporates. Many students believe this because they are unaware that even films, which are supposedly made for “entertainment,” can also have propaganda. This is a big reason why most young filmmakers and ad-makers are left-leaning.
Now, it will not be difficult to imagine the deplorable condition in journalism colleges. Hatred is filled in the students by teaching the wrong history and defaming the government based on fake news. The wrong history of Kashmir is being taught while glorifying the militants, Naxals, Maoists and blaming the Indian army. This is the reason why so many students from JNU are demanding the freedom of Kashmir and defaming the Indian army. This is why many of these students were doing violent protests, slandering Hindus for opposing the Citizenship Amendment Act. This is why many of these students supported Maoist Stan Swamy and created sympathy for him by spreading the fake news that he was denied a sipper.

A professor is a respected person in society and many students blindly trust them. The communists have done a cardinal sin by brainwashing young minds. When these students get out in the real world, they will do nothing but spew out the venom filled in them.
Finally, most of these communists have support from the so-called human rights organizations that work for the rights of only selected people, like terrorists. None of these organizations bat an eye when in Pakistan the population of Hindus came down from 18% to just 2%. They are subjected to inhuman tortures just because of their faith. Instead, these organizations did their best to portray Pakistan as if it itself is fighting terrorism. One girl says “how dare you” and becomes an environmentalist while Saalumarada Thimmakka, the lady who dedicated her entire life to nature, planted thousands of trees, is totally ignored. There are countless examples of such hypocrisy. The left is not one organization or media portal, but an ecosystem that works together to spread its propaganda.

The consequences of following liberal ideology are visible in most western countries. People have no idea what to do, how to live, how to talk, no mental peace. Crime is at its peak, divorce rates are rising like never before, obesity has become a pandemic, alcohol and drugs are everywhere, depression is more frequent than ever, more and more children are being sent to foster homes. They have lost self-control by constantly running behind their desires instead of leashing them. Even with the best infrastructure, job opportunities, education, they are not satisfied. Protests are frequent and for the stupidest reason imaginable like “free the nipple” and “fat acceptance.” This proves why running behind desires, living as if there is no tomorrow, not restraining the mind, blaming the government for everything is not the way to live.
Sadly, this same liberation lifestyle is rising in India and many youngsters are falling prey to it. We must do our best to prevent India from getting burned to ashes by the stupidity of its own citizens.
Indian Sanatan culture has the solution for all of this chaos created. The philosophy of Advaita Vedanta is a gift to mankind. Indians need to get back to their roots and study their forgotten culture which has been constantly and falsely defamed for being toxic patriarchal. The Sanatan Culture, Advaita Vedanta, and Brahmacharya are the reason why India was a world leader in every field. Why so many sages were able to make miraculous discoveries way before the rest of the world. This would have never happened if Indians had followed western life and become sex-mad, drug and alcohol addicts.

Support the BJP government, they are doing their best to bring back the lost glory of India. Do not fall for fake news. If there is a legit criticism then there are legal ways to criticize. Burning buses, stone-pelting, blocking roads is not the way. Supporting those who do such violent protests in the name of fascism is also wrong. India is a democracy and most of the Indian population, who are connected to their roots, follow their cultural values, have whole-heartedly voted for their government. Get out of the luxurious cocoon and go to the villages and see what real India is, what the real India wants. They are not interested in liberation, wokeism, feminism, or the fight against fascism, toxic patriarchy, hyper toxic nationalism.
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