Is shopping a big event in your life?
Do you spend most of your money on clothes and luxuries?
Do you feel down when you are not looking your best?
Are you always self conscious of your appearance and how people perceive you?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then this article will rattle your core.
Today, the fashion industry is one of the biggest industries in the world, churning out millions of dollars of profit every month, perhaps more.
No… this is not an anti capitalism rant. This is just to show that that fashion has become a major part of people’s lives, so much so that people cannot imagine surviving without it.
While it is true that clothes are a necessity for survival, but fashionable clothes??? Definitely no.
Your Shoes Are The First Things People Notice
To take off this topic slowly, I am beginning with an example of how the fashion industry contradicts itself.
According to the fashion industry, your shoes are the first thing people are going to notice.

Not your t-shirt or dress.
Not the red knife in your hands.
Not the look of murder on your face.
But your shoes.
When someone greets you, you ignore his face, you ignore his handshake, and look all the way down to his shoes. Then you decide whether this person is worth your attention or not.
The hundreds of dollars you spend on makeup, t-shirts, dress, neckties, hats, glasses, pants, gold wristwatch, hairstyle are all secondary to your shoes.
You could have just woken up, looking half dead and smelly, in your nightclothes and still make a fantastic first impression in a meeting by wearing shoes worth $10,000.
If that does not sound moronic, you need to question your existence.
Would be able to recognize your best friend’s shoes in the shoe rack with dozen others? I definitely would not.
When was the last time you stared at someone’s shoes?
Can you recall the shoes your friends, family, relatives, colleagues wear?
Women would be able to answer “Yes” to some of these questions as the fashion industry has been able to brainwash them quite well. More on that later.
But for men, most of you would not even recognize your best friend’s shirt if it flew in the air and smacked your face.
In reality, shoes are one of the last things, if not the last thing, people are going to notice in you.
But, that is not good for all those who sell shoes.
Marketing is all about convincing you that you cannot live without a particular product that you never even knew existed your entire life. Embed this in your head.
Repeat a lie and repeat it loudly, and people will believe it is true.
“All those people believe it’s true, so it’s gotta be true.” – Normies
This is what the fashion industry is doing. Constantly shoving their products down people’s throats.
Shoes is where their marketing, or propaganda, is really successful. They managed to turn the least important thing into the most important thing in fashion and most people bought the idea.
I am not saying shoes are not important. They are.
Buy yourself a good pair of shoes with solid, super strong heels. They can be useful for beating up a woke man, thinking he is a woman, and entering a women’s toilet.
Your Fashion Dictates Your Worth

This dress will make you feel confident.
Buy this cause you are worth it.
Look gorgeous with this makeup.
Dazzle left and right with this dress.
You must be hearing these statements all the time in fashion advertisements. And you must have heard these statements from your friends or your mouth.
I can’t go to the function, I don’t have a good dress.
Let’s go shopping! My one month old clothes are boring.
The clothes you wear dictate your worth.
Not your education.
Not your manners.
Not your behavior.
Not your good deeds.
If so, then Mark Zuckerberg is a nobody cause he wears the same boring clothes everyday and everywhere.
No one will notice him walking down the street.
But the man walking behind Mark, wearing a $5,000 suit and $2,000 shoes, is the one worth noticing.

No matter whether you are a artist or a scientist, if you are not wearing the best dress, the best dress, the best shoes, and carrying the latest iPhone, you are not worth it.
All of the hard work you are putting in for your career and life (hopefully you are), is absolutely nothing if you are not following the latest fashion trends.
Seriously! Do not hammer your reputation by your own hands.
Let your deeds define you, not some dress that any moron can put on.
You are not worth anything if a simple clothing item can define you.
Remember, it is you walking down the street and not your Rolex watch.
Now that I have mentioned a watch, let us explore this even further.
Watches Are Not Worth It

I am not talking about expensive watches.
Watches in general have very little to no use in the era of smartphones.
Want to check the time? Just pull out your phone.
Fitness watches may have some use, but they are absolutely not necessary for becoming and remaining fit.
If you want to check the time, any cheap $10 watch can help with that. There is no need to buy a $1,000 or even a $100 watch.
Most rich people and celebrities buy luxury watches as an investment. The value of some watches goes up over time and with the celebs’ names attached, they can generate a lot of income.
Secondly, they are rich.
But for you average people, buying luxury watches just to see the time is like buying a Ferrari to go the market.
Once again, it is you walking down the street and not your watch, or dress, or anything else.
Fashion Trends Are Not Real
Most of you must be afraid of being out of touch with the latest trends. You are going to look outdated and old school.
None of that is going to happen.
Fashion trends are just a way to sell more clothes by instilling the fear of missing out in people.
Most people will not buy new clothes if their current ones are doing just fine. But that does not work in favor of the fashion industry.
And what are these fashion trends anyways.
Earlier, torn clothes were considered a sign of poverty. Beggars wore them. People used to feel embarrassed to wear torn or wrinkled clothes.
But now people feel cool to wear them.
That is the power of propaganda.
That is the level of brainwashing the fashion industry has successfully pulled off.
A 180° change of mind. Something that was considered cheap is now a luxury.
Imagine if someone spend the same time, money, and effort into propagating good things such as morals, self-restraint, focus, hard work, respect, duty, etc.
The downfall the west is facing would have been prevented.

Fashion trends are not real. They are just means to empty your wallets. Do not fall for them.
Why not create shirts made of jeans?
Why not make pants with buttons?
Why not make pants with one leg shorter than the other?
Why not make a top with just one shoulder?
That is the creativity of these so-called fashion designers. Mix things up or create something bizzare.
Most of these clothes feel like they came from planet Zog and make you look like a big dum dum.
Decent quality clothes can easily last for months, if not years. Do not waste your money for the so called “wardrobe update”.
Instead of feeling outdated or old-school, feel proud that you are not brainwashed like others.
You Will Not Look Attractive
Think about your favorite actor or actress. Think about the films they have acted in. Did they always wear the same clothes?
No! All actors wear a variety of clothes, from super suits to night suits, according to their roles. But one thing is common, they look attractive in all of them. Why?
They can post a picture of them after waking up in the morning and still look good.
That is because they are attractive. They do not need a clothing item to make them look good. They already are good looking thanks to their genetics.

Get ready to drink some bitter juice.
Your looks are mostly determined by your genetics. If you look good, you will look good no matter what you wear and vice versa.
Accept the truth about how you look and most importantly accept yourself.
Your looks are something you mostly cannot change. So do not waste your time and money on it.
Instead, focus on what you can change, like your intelligence, skills, manners, etc. Unlock higher levels of consciousness. That will make you happy.
Working out can make a difference, and that is where my YouTube channel and eBook can help, but do not expect it to change your face unless you are fat.
Workout for health and longevity and not for impressing others. It will never make you happy.
And talking about makeup, there have been cases against a man lying about his salary to impress a girl. Somehow that is wrong but applying tons of makeup for the same motive is not.
Makeup is mostly worn or done by girls because they believe their worth is only determined by their looks. Yes! In a hedonistic, sex mad society, it will be true.
But, do not hammer your feet by your own hands. You are feeding the same mentality by being overly conscious about your looks.
If you yourself believe that your looks are the most important thing, then so will other men.
And even if you manage to impress someone with makeup, will the man stay when he finds out he has been scammed?
And do you believe the relationship will last if it is solely based on physical attraction?
Will the other person not dump you when he or she finds someone even more attractive?
This is why the so-called conservative civilizations like India valued marriages over hookups. The downsides of such hedonistic activities are innumerable from the spread of diseases to infants piling up in orphanages, and in worst cases… trash cans.
Marriages in India are based on personality and not solely looks.
And talking about India, there are many queens who are still admired today for the valor and contributions to the civilization. No one remembers how they looked.
And do not be shocked to read that women ruled in India. Get over the false narrative spread by most of mainstream media that India was a civilization of patriarchal forest dwellers.
And fashion in India had a purpose. Gold and silver jewelry helped to regulate blood circulation. It was not for just showing off or impressing others.
Yes you might get less head turns by not wearing makeup. But, you know the ones who turn are liking the “real you.”
Fashion Is Getting Obscene Day By Day
Talking about attraction, the fashion industry has taken it to a whole new level. It has forgotten the primary function of clothes, which is covering your body.
Now, it is all about designing clothes that reveal more and more of your skin.

What could be worse than dressing up to presenting yourself a sex object… something to be lusted upon.
Is that what you want to reduce yourself to?
There have been innumerable cases of women burning themselves to protect their dignity. The fashion industry is propagating the exact opposite.
Do not reduce yourself to a sex object just for other’s satisfaction. You are worth more than that.
We Do This For Ourselves… Really?
Before you scream that you dress up and apply makeup for yourself and not for impressing the opposite gender, answer this…
When was the last time you woke up, put on a nice dress, did makeup for an hour, just to prepare lunch or clean your house?
No one wears their luxury or obscene clothes at home. They do it to impress the opposite gender or make people of the same gender jealous.
In 90% of the scenarios, most likely more, people are dressing for others.
Today, women are wearing makeup, put on skin tight clothes that coverup next to nothing, to hit the gym.

Explain how makeup and restrictive clothing is going to help with working out…
And if you are wondering why most of my examples are about women, that is because fashion is targeted towards them.
That is because according to most religions, women are created only for the satisfaction of men.
And as these religions dominate the world, women are brainwashed into believing that they should prioritize their looks over anything else.
That is why women are more fashion savvy than men.
Fashion Will Make You Happy
This is the biggest myth people believe in when it comes to fashion or just consumerism in general. Buying products will make you happy.
To some extent… yes it will. It is always better to buy a home rather than sleep on the street. Products, as long as they fulfil your necessities, will make you happy. But after that, the satisfaction you get out of them decreases substantially.

Do you think that buying the latest iPhone will make you happy? (iPhone is now a fashion product as barely anyone buys it for productivity)
Think again. It will be outdated within a year when Apple launches their next generation of iPhones with hypersonic cameras, highly engineered bionic chipsets, adaptive refresh rate super AMOLED displays, and other big words they spew at every event.
Do you think the new dress you saw while walking by the store will make you happy?
Then think about the oldest piece of clothing in your wardrobe. Most likely it is no older than a year. Even your dream dress will last no longer than a year.
The only thing you will get is a small dopamine high and you will be back to normal, craving for more. This cycle is endless.
The fashion industry lubricates this cycle by launching new items every day, making you crave for more.
Nothing is permanent in this world and worldly things will never make you permanently happy.
The world is a mirage. The more you chase it, the more pain and suffering you will face.
Once you realize that this world is a mirage and you stop chasing it, only then can you attain eternal peace.
The path to enlightenment requires complete control over your mind, self-restraint, and detachment from worldly things.
The fashion industry is propagating the exact opposite, keeping people trapped in this matrix.
Read this article for more context on enlightenment.
Take Control Of Your Mind
The fashion industry is just one of the things trying to brainwash you. The rabbit hole of wokeism goes deeper than you think.
Do not be a sheep. Take a step back and think for a moment.
Do people really care about your shirt or the way you treat them.
In the end what matters is your contribution to this world.
Who you were as a person?
Will your family after your grandkids remember you?
Will other people’s great grandkids remember you?
Have you achieved enlightenment and become free from this endless cycle of life and death, birth and rebirth?
Your T-Shirt or shoes do not matter. No one is going to remember those.
But your deeds, those will echo in eternity.
If you are interested in valuable fitness advice and want to know how you can make insane progress with just home workouts, do checkout my eBook here.
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