So you look like a twig, you are tired of people making fun of your body and you want to do something, or a lot of things, about it. You want to put on some mass, you want to gain weight and become healthy. This article will tell you exactly how to gain weight. You will learn seven advanced techniques to make your body grow.

You must have heard this multiple times:
Eat more to gain weight
But that is a very oversimplified answer. Many skinny people are actually eating a lot of food and still not putting on weight. It is as if their stomach has a black hole that sucks in any food they eat. This article will tell you exactly how to solve this problem and ensure that the food reaches your body. You will learn some easy hacks that anyone can follow and gain weight without having to overstuff themselves.
Tip 1: Keep The Nuts Handy

This is really simple, keep some nuts or dry fruits with you. It could be peanuts, almonds, cashews, anything you like and also can afford easily. Keep a packet of peanuts in your pocket and simply munch on them whenever possible. This is something many strongman competitors do to gain weight fast. A single peanut can contain around 10 calories. So if you eat 50 a day, that is a 500-calorie surplus, easy. The best part is that nuts are very easy to eat because they are small in size and very calorie-dense. So, keep a packet of nuts and seeds with you and munch on them whenever possible.
Before moving to the next tip, understand how macros work. So, there are macronutrients in any food that are carbohydrates, proteins, and fat which you must have learned in school. But what most people do not know is that carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, protein contains 4 calories per gram but fats contain 9 calories per gram which are more than double. So, if you want to gain weight you need to focus on getting in more fats. Most skinny people struggle to get in more food because their stomach has a limited capacity. This is why eating fats can help you maximize that capacity.
Tip 2: Eat More Fats

So, let’s say you ate 100 grams of carbs and your stomach is full, you are getting in just 400 calories. On the other hand, if you ate 100 grams of fats, you are getting 900 calories for the same quantity of food. So, even though you will feel that you have eaten the same amount of food, you are actually getting more than double the calories. This is why people say junk food makes you fat because it contains a lot of fat. Peanuts also contain fat and that makes them high in calories. If your goal is to burn fat then you should be avoiding these foods but as your goal is to gain weight you can use this to your advantage. Eat more high-calorie foods. This is not the best advice but you can actually eat junk food and get away with it. Still, always try to get in calories from healthy fat sources like nuts, seeds, milk, butter, clarified butter, cheese, avocados, and oils. But, even junk food will work. Just make sure your entire meal is not from Mcdonald’s.
Tip 3: Eat Enough Protein, Not More

As a beginner, even if you want to build muscle, 0.6-0.7 grams per pound of body weight is enough. This might sound very contradicting as all fitness influencers keep advocating eating huge amounts of protein to build muscle. Yes, you need protein to build muscle but you don’t need a lot of protein to build muscle. If you are getting 0.6-0.7 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight then that is enough. The thing is, protein is highly satiating. When you eat protein you feel satiated and that stops you from eating more. By reducing protein to 0.6 grams, you will feel more hungry and that will make you eat more calories. As you are in a surplus your body is in an anabolic state and that reduces your protein requirement. So, do not worry about muscle loss, you will actually build muscle.

Another thing that is highly satiating is fiber. So if you are eating a lot of salads and vegetables then those contain a lot of fiber making them highly satiating. You do not have to avoid fiber but just make a small change. Eat the fats and protein before you eat the salads so that you ensure that you are getting in those calories.
Tip 4: Avoid Drinking Too Much Water Before A Meal

Drinking water will fill up your stomach and that will reduce your hunger which is something you do not want. So avoid drinking water 30 minutes before your meal and only drink water after you finish your food. Salads also contain a lot of water which makes you feel full without actually eating many calories. So, try to keep the salads for the last.
Tip 5: Turn On The TV

Watch something while eating. Many dieticians say that you should be mindful of what you are eating and avoid using the phone or watching television while eating as it will make you eat more than necessary. But that is exactly what we want. If you are struggling to eat more, keep yourself engaged with the TV, it will distract you from the food and you will end up eating more. It has also been found that watching action films makes you eat more food. So use this to your advantage. Watch some films or even better, watch videos from Brawny King Fitness.
Tip 6: More Butter Is Better

Add things like oils, butter, and clarified butter to your diet. These are very small but make a big difference. A tablespoon of oil easily contains more than 100 calories. If you drink 5 tablespoons that is a 500-calorie surplus. Seriously, how hard can it be to consume a tablespoon, it’s so small. The same goes for clarified butter or peanut butter. A spoonful of those is easily a hundred calories. You can eat it directly or sprinkle it over your food. It will not only make your food tasty but easily add 100-200 calories without making any substantial increase in food quantity.
Now, it is very important to understand that it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound of bodyweight. So, if you are eating 500 extra calories a day, you will gain a pound of body weight in a week which is both fat and muscle. This is a good rate of weight gain for skinny people. But, if you are anorexic or very skinny then you can double the number and try to gain two pounds of body weight per week. This is only advisable for extremely skinny people. For most people, a surplus of 200-500 calories is enough.
Tip 7: Pump Up

Follow some resistance training program, whether it is at the gym or bodyweight, your choice. When you work out, most of the calories you are eating will be used for building muscle instead of fat. There are many videos on Brawny King Fitness about building muscle through home workouts or weight training at the gym. Start watching them and you will get a clear idea of how to begin your fitness journey. Click on the button below to subscribe.
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