With the rise in the internet and its toys, the word hater got a proportional rise in popularity. Almost every social media influencer, big or small, good or bad, has thrown the word around at some or every point of their virtual presence. But, what exactly does the word mean? What exactly does the word “hate” mean?
“Hate means an extremely strong dislike.” This is the original and raw definition according to the Cambridge dictionary. Therefore, a hater is a person who strongly dislikes a certain thing. All of these are the raw definitions of the word hater. Simple! However, these are not the things a person imagines when he/she comes across the word. Now, any person writing anything that goes even slightly against the norm or writing a well-researched, objective counter-argument is considered a hater.

Statements like:
“You suck.”
“I do not like your new editing style.”
“You are scamming people, here is the research to back it up.”
All are generalized into hate speech and the person expressing them is considered a hater. Here the first one is valid to be considered as hate. But, a person disliking or exposing something is not the same as a hater. To tackle the problem and with the advent of the internet, there is a slight addition to the definition. It is now become, “person who says or writes unpleasant things about someone or criticizes their achievements, especially on the internet.” (According to the Cambridge dictionary.)
The difference between the original definition and the modern/internet definition is very small but, extremely significant.
1: The new definition is longer.
2: Extremely strong dislike is now changed to unpleasant things and criticism.
Now, anything that is even slightly unpleasant or a well-researched criticism is hate speech. A person who disliked a small aspect of anything and mentioned it for the creator to improve is a hater. It can be understood that people do not have time to look into the history of the hater and find out that the person never hated without reason. But some people will dislike every post, video of the hater but not understand what the hater actually wanted to say.
Never before in history, a person gave speeches to hundreds, and not a single person from the audience disagreed with him/her. No matter how great a statement is, there will be someone who will disagree. It is not possible for every single person on earth to like and follow the same things. Humans are diverse and that is one of their biggest strengths. That allows them to divide their jobs for all-around development. E.g. one person cannot be a farmer, doctor, engineer, scientist, etc.
Everyone hates something in life. A little kid might hate eating veggies or might hate school. Unless a person has acquired control over his/her senses, feelings, desires only then he/she can find eternal bliss and not get aroused by worldly things. Only such people see the world in its true form and do not hate anything. But, such people are extremely rare.

Disliking or hating things is not a bad thing. The disgust of stinking garbage propels a person to clean it and create a hygienic environment. The discomfort of hunger forces a person to prepare food and survive. The irritation of falling sick compels a person to learn medicine. The blinding of darkness ignited a person to create fire. If a person is pointing out valid criticisms then he/she should be respected instead of being generalized as a hater. These criticisms allow the artist to improve his/her art.
But, a person pointing out flaws is not respected but lynched by the brainwashed fans on the internet. The fans and stans will go and report every single post of the criticizer and take down his/her account. They will make hundreds of humiliating personal comments that cannot even be described here. After the personal comments, these stans will not even spare the family of the person. Even if the hater was wrong, these stans will drop down a level below the hater to prove him/her wrong. Proudly calling yourself a fan or a stan is one of the worst self derogatory, degrading, and disrespecting statements that can be made.

Sadly, today being a fan or stan is normalized. All of these, thanks to the so-called social media influencers, celebrities, and pop stars. They benefit the most when they brainwash simple people to become fanatics and support them without questioning. Fanatics will go to any extreme to support their deity and that is exactly what the influencers want. It is when the original word fanatic is mentioned that the word fan gets perceived negatively. Until then ignorant people feel proud to refer to themselves as fans. For a fan or stan, anything that goes against the deity is wrong and unacceptable. Enlightening a stan is like pouring water on an inverted pot.
According to these so-called celebrities, influencers, stars, a hater is someone who does not like the success of the celebrity and tries to bring him/her down. Instead of building his building tall, the hater will try to destroy the other buildings to make his one appear tall. This is the generally accepted meaning of hater and is a little different than the dictionary meaning.
At this point, it is extremely important to do something that has never been done before, it is necessary to understand if these so-called celebrities are really great as claimed to be. First, more popularity does not mean better content, quality, greatness, excellence. Anything being more popular just means that it is simplified or dumbed down enough for the majority of the population to understand. The more stupid a piece of content is, the more famous it becomes. The more brilliant or artistic anything is, the fewer people understand it as only a minority of the intelligent population will have the intellect to interpret it. This has been explained in-depth here: The dumber, the better.
In most cases, the celeb, influencers, star himself/herself is creating stupid content that deserves to be criticized. For example, in the fitness industry, the most viewed/popular videos are the ones claiming stuff like…
1: Get abs in 2 weeks.
2: Lose belly fat in one night.
3: Cure this disease in 3 steps.
4: Get bigger arms in 22 days.
5: Increase height in 1 week.
These titles invoke false hope in the average audience and provoke them to click on the video. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies (according to Shawshank redemption). In short, hope is powerful and people will do anything to not lose hope. They will not want their invoked hope to fade away. This hope is what makes the audience connect with the video creator. The audience looks at the creator like a god who will save them from being fat, skinny, short, weak. This is where the YouTuber becomes untouchable.

Now, there exist a small minority of true fitness experts who realize that the videos are utter nonsense. Yes, such videos are nonsense. If you have been following such fitness YouTubers then now is the time to enlighten yourself with knowledge. No doctor ever claimed to cure any disease instantly. No genuine exercise science expert claimed to build huge muscle in weeks. No legit dietician claimed to lose pounds of fat overnight. Did ever Bill Gates said, “follow this and get rich overnight.” Cause Bill Gates and other experts know the real effort and journey behind achieving goals. Only the people wishing to scam ignorant people claim such nonsense.
The real fun starts when a real expert makes a comment or a response video debunking such stupid videos. Once the facts are mentioned, the hope of the audience is crippled. They are unwilling to accept that they can never grow taller or get a flat stomach overnight due to cognitive dissonance. They also cannot believe that the influencer, now god, can be such an evil person and scam them. The result is the brutal lynching of the real fitness expert with response comments like this:
You are stupid.
You don’t even have 500 subs.
Our God has millions of subs and you are just jealous. You can’t get even close to the success of our God.
Don’t use our god’s name to get views.
You are just trying to get views.
You are wrong. Everyone knows you can get taller by eating bamboo.
That is just your opinion. Keep it to yourself. No one asked you.
My god has changed my life and introduced me to fitness. You cannot say such things about him.
You are just a hater.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of the comments contain such foul language that they cannot be mentioned. If it is a response video then there is a bombarding of dislikes and reports. The fans get a sense of satisfaction looking at the dislikes and believing that the video is wrong. Sadly, people associate likes and dislikes with the actual quality of videos. When a third person opens the response video, he/she jumps to the conclusion that the video is wrong by looking at the dislikes. All of the comments, dislikes, and reports create the image that the real expert is some disgusting, filthy, psychopath, demon + all curses imaginable, who is going against the God. This is the image that comes to mind when someone mentions the word hater and not of any normal human who strongly dislikes something.
So, if a little kid hates veggies, should he also be considered disgusting, filthy, good for nothing, jealous, etc? Should, “you will never be as good as the veggies” be the response to the kid? Many people would respond like that if it was a YouTube comment section.

All of this results in the scammer reinforcing his/her status of God and the audience willingly destroying their own lives.
A funny but eye-opening scenario would emerge if these stans supported a terrorist.
Reporter: This terrorist has bombed 200 people. He is an evil person. He has now been caught and jailed.
Stans: You are just a hater, trying to bring him down. You can never become successful like him, so you arrested him.
Reporter: A few people have got on the streets demanding the terrorist to be hanged.
Stans: Haters gonna hate, players gonna play.
Reporter: An hour-long report coming soon on the atrocities committed by the terrorist.
Stans: If you don’t like our god, it’s ok. But don’t make a video about it. Keep it to yourself.
Many more scenarios can be created by the arguments from the stans.
The third example is a very common response from stans regarding boy/girl bands and pop stars. The common words are:
It’s your opinion.
If you don’t like the song, it’s ok.
Everyone has a different taste.
It is subjective.
You will never become like our god.
But don’t make a video about it.
No one asked you to share your opinion.
Keep it to yourself.
The words opinion and it’s ok are extremely common. Most of these responses follow the same format and contain the same words which prove that the people have lost their individuality by becoming stans. All of them say the exact same things in the exact same way.

The word opinion, taste, subjective only applies when someone compares Bugatti to Lamborghini, Leonardo to Picasso, Bach to Beethoven. One cannot scribble anything on a piece of paper and say it is better than Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa just because it is his opinion. But it is possible if the person pays art reviewers and critics to say the same. With enough money, the person can brainwash people into believing that his scribbling is the best. The true artists and critics will be afraid to speak up against popular opinion and if they do then they will be lynched. Opinions do matter. But, there has to be an objectively researched standard for art. Bad art should not be popularized on the ground of opinion.

Tastes have to be developed. Thanks to the internet algorithm, most people have never seen high-quality art or heard high-quality classical music. Even if they do, they have not developed their intellectual capacity to interpret the art. So, they cannot fully relish and understand the art and stick to watching simple, popular stuff. Many people would prefer some easy-to-understand entertainment, comedy video over a science lecture. But, this does not indicate that science is bad or useless as it does not get views and likes. No matter what personal taste dictates, science is way more important for survival than comedy. People have to learn and grow instead of staying in their comfort zone. There is no problem with consuming simple content as a beginning. But, one must try to go deeper and watch higher-level content. It is necessary for human evolution. Otherwise, the algorithm will ensure that the user remains in his comfort zone. Again, different taste applies when comparing Picasso to da Vinci and not to some feces smeared on a canvas.

You do not have as many followers are our god. You will never reach the success of our god. According to these statements, scientists, doctors, writers, entrepreneurs are nothing compared to celebrities and pop stars cause they do not have as many followers. Vin Diesel is better than Bill Gates cause he has 10x more followers and family. Chloe Ting is better than Brad Schoenfeld cause she has more followers. Hoyte Van Hoytema is no one cause he is not on social media. Social media followers do not necessarily correlate to talent or success. Many people will follow beautiful girls and boys instead of talented, balding, 50-year-old scientists. 99% of the pop stars, bands, YouTubers are famous because of their excellent looks. If looks were not involved then real experienced composers like John Williams and educated experts like Charles Poliquin would have dominated media.
Finally, keep it to yourself, don’t make a video and no one asked you. These stans will have profile names, pictures of their gods and idols. They will share the videos of their idols everywhere on the internet, even in places that are totally unrelated. They will shove the videos down everyone’s throat. They will even disrespect greats like Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese by calling them boomers and other foul words that cannot be mentioned. But, if someone is expressing his/her thoughts in a civilized manner which goes against the norm then these stans will lynch him/her. If the stans have the right to shove their opinions down everyone’s throat then so does everyone else.
This fan/stan culture is not a modern invention. This originated along with the invention of religion and the concept of God. Earlier it was known as devotion and worship. The people following it were known as devotees, worshippers, or fanatics. Anyone opposing it was called an impure person, devil worshipper, witch, psychopath, mad, etc. To maintain complete dominance of the ideology, the critics were burned alive or beheaded.

Sadly, it even happens today. Now, the so-called celebrities are doing the same to ensure their power over people. Funny thing is, even kids and teenagers, with no achievement of their own, call other people haters. If you are a nobody and people hate you then it is due to your deeds and not jealousy. Cause you have achieved nothing to be jealous about. Learn to digest disagreement and rejection. If a recruiter rejects you due to lack of talent, will you say to his face that he is a hater, boomer? Will you drop all the f-bombs on him as you do on the internet? If you do not have the guts to digest disagreement, rejection, and hate then do not step on the internet.

Conclusion: A very small minority of people hate out of jealousy. But, most people hate someone cause that person actually did something wrong. The hater could be the savior that everyone needed. It is extremely important to objectively look at things and not get brainwashed to become a stan/slave of someone. Real talented people like scientists, doctors, mature artists, philosophers, entrepreneurs, should be followed instead of teenage YouTubers and pop stars. Otherwise, mankind will go back to the dark ages.
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One response to “Are haters really bad? The shocking truth behind haters.”
[…] Fletcher pushing people to do their best is considered wrong today, making him one of those hated and misunderstood characters ever. Now, people are just not willing to accept criticism even if it is for their own good. They feel that anyone who scolds them, even their parents or teachers, is their enemy. Any bitter truth is termed as hate and truth speakers are labeled as haters. There is an in-depth article on the reality of haters here. […]