In this modern era where liberal propaganda and wokeism are slowly being injected into the masses, there is a new trend of not judging anyone. “Don’t judge others, ” “Stop being judgemental,” “don’t judge a book by its cover,” statements like these are not uncommon today. Being judgemental is considered to be a sin one should be ashamed of. But, what if this urge of judging others is something that cannot be and should not be removed from humans? What if it is a necessity for survival?
Try a small experiment. Drop a rubber snake on someone accusing others of being judgemental, someone confidently claiming to have never judged anyone in life. If that person freaks out then ask the person the reason for doing so. How did the person, who never judged anyone, jump to the conclusion that the snake was real? It could have been a rubber snake or even a non-poisonous snake. But, that person judged the snake meaning he/she is not free from the instinct of judging others. In this case, being judgemental was a necessity for the person’s survival. In life-threatening situations, the ability to make snap decisions based on available data is a requirement of survival. Everyone knows what would have happened if the person had not made a judgement and the snake turned out to be real. Do not try this experiment at home, outdoors, or in the doorway.

Looking back at the prehistoric time, it becomes clear why humans developed the ability to judge and judge as quickly as possible. Most of the world was unknown, vulnerability was at its peak. If a new animal was encountered, humans had to make snap decisions whether it is friendly or deadly. They made judgements based on their acquired knowledge about the world. If all of their encounters with tigers had been unpleasant, they will not try to exchange pleasantries with a tiger the next time they see one. Not just this, they also developed the ability to find similarities between predators and prey. It was safe to conclude that any animal with sharp canines, hunter eyes, long nails should not be messed with. Again, not just with animals, even humans from other tribes had to be judged as well. Are they looking to develop cordial relations or invade? We all exist today because our ancestors were judgemental.

In modern times, animal encounters are rare, almost all animals are well known to even school kids, but hundreds of new humans are encountered daily. So, humans have to practice their inherited judging skills today as well. There are multiple cases that can be discussed but for the sake of this article, only the prominent ones will be explained.
1: Looks.
What benefit does judging someone based upon their looks offer? A person with arched eyebrows is considered threatening because it resembles a raging bull or a lion. On the other hand, a person with big round eyes is considered friendly as it resembles a cow or a cat. Most movie villains have arched eyebrows and good characters have friendly faces.

However, the reality might not turn out as expected. In this scenario, humans are applying their experiences will animals on humans which might not be correct all the time.
Another scenario is judging based on attractiveness. It has been proven in multiple studies that more attractive people are perceived to be more intelligent, smart, confident, trustworthy, friendly, and all other positive attributes you can think of. Attractive people are also more successful in life. This is because good looks indicate good genes and it is again another necessity of survival to mate with attractive people and produce healthy offsprings who have a higher chance of survival. This is why humans are hardwired to feel attracted towards other humans with good genes. Attractiveness is determined by genetics and not by media as most people believe it to be. An in-depth article will be made on this topic if requested.

According to some studies, attractive people have been proven to have more IQ points than unattractive people. The difference, although not gigantic, is significant. So, yes judging that a person is more intelligent based on attractiveness can be right. But, it can also be wrong in many cases. Most of the geniuses across the world are not good-looking. In this case, not judging people is the way to go.
Another subpart of looks is the attire which includes clothes, accessories, gadgets. Many liberal, progressive, open-minded, and so-called “cool” people always keep crying, “do not judge our character by the clothes we wear,” trying to justify their weird or sexualized clothing. Clothes were invented for protection from environmental factors and for covering private parts. At its origin, clothing has no personality attached to it. However, in the 21st century, the sole reason for the existence of the fashion industry is personality. People buy clothes that reflect their personality, clothes that say something. A $10 t-shirt is equally comforting as a $100 one but the reason the costlier one exists is because of the message it sends out: the person wearing me is rich. A big reason people buy costlier clothing and gadgets is that they want other people to perceive them as rich. Many people do have any idea about the features of an iPhone but they buy it to show off. Teenagers ask their parents to buy an iPhone to appear cool in front of their friends. No one needs a $1000 phone to scroll on social media. They want other people to talk about their clothes and gadgets, praise them, feel jealous.

Why is there so much variety in fashion? What is it that colourful, abstract, fancy clothing offers that a plain one does not? Personality. The advertisements themselves say the same thing. You will become cool if you wear this. You will become drop-dead gorgeous if you wear this. Wear this tuxedo to become James Bond. Wear this and show off your body. Dress to impress others.
This is why people wear clothing that reflects their personality or character. They want to be perceived as something, they want others to judge them. Otherwise, why is it that anyone wearing traditional clothing is ridiculed for being old-generation, boring, dull. Why is it that corporate offices have a dress code and no one can sit in underwear there, showing off their body? Why is baggy clothing not considered attractive? Why is the fashion industry spending millions and billions of dollars into researching new designs? Saying not to judge someone according to the clothes the person is wearing means that all the money spent by the fashion industry has gone to the dustbin. What is the point of spending so much money on something that does not make any difference?

Those who genuinely do not wear clothing for reflecting their personality will not care about clothes. They will live like saints, wearing something simple and comfortable that helps them focus on their work. Many saints do not even wear any clothes because they are free from this mortal world. Do not dare compare these saints with people who wear sexually arousing clothes. Saints go around naked because they are free while these liberals are doing the same to get attention. The reason why revealing clothing is made by the fashion industry is to attract the opposite gender, do not deny it. There is nothing wrong with people judging someone for wearing revealing clothing, it is exactly what the fashion industry intends.
According to Advait Vedanta, which is one of the most ancient and most advanced philosophies out there, the ultimate goal of life is to be free from this world, from the endless cycle of pleasure and suffering. This is why anyone wearing clothes just to reflect their personality, or attract others is demeaned upon, especially in India where this is a hot topic. Brahmacharya is given the topmost priority in India, not the disgusting sexual liberation. Although, the Advait Vedanta philosophy may sound too pseudoscientific, it is true that living just for pleasure will lead to demise.

If clothes can reflect someone’s personality, the person does not have any personality. If someone’s value is increased by an accessory, the person does not have much value, to begin with. If shoes make someone’s first impression, the person does not have any charisma of his/her own. Do not let clothes determine your value, personality, or attractiveness. It is you walking down the street, not your Gucci shoes.
2: Lifestyle
Lifestyle is the second thing which most people keep crying about. “Don’t judge us by our lifestyle.”
Fashion and lifestyle are interrelated to a great extent, these brands are trying to promote a lifestyle. Streetwear for street culture, gangsta clothing for thug life, drinking, smoking, and drugs, sexualized clothing for hook-up culture, clubbing, and all other self-destructive lifestyles. It would be very rare that a person who dresses up like James Bond does not try to imitate that character. He will try to follow the same lifestyle and develop a personality like Bond. The same goes for everything else like wearing sexualized clothing to go to clubs, hook up, and one-night stands.

The so-called liberation lifestyle is being promoted heavily through films and television. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, fat acceptance, one-night stands, having multiple partners are being normalized now. It has been proven with multiple studies that smoking, alcohol, drugs, fat, junk food are injurious to health. They are addictive. What is the purpose of living if a person is being controlled by his desires, not being able to think for his/her own good? So many children are living in foster homes because of mistakes committed by teenagers after being brainwashed by media to follow such sexual liberation lifestyle. In no sense of morality is this going to be beneficial for mankind. If people following such lifestyles are being judged for that, then there is nothing wrong with it.
“It’s not who you are underneath, it is what you do that defines you.”
This quote sums it up very well. You may be the best person on earth, but no one is going to take you seriously if they always find you entangled in all vices. Batman begins is one of the very few films that despises such a lifestyle while other films are endorsing it.

This is not to infringe on people’s freedom, they are free to do whatever they want. But, other people also have the freedom to judge them for that. They have the choice to speak up against the dystopia this world is heading towards. Are these liberals truly liberal if they cannot respect others’ opinions?

Following any street culture, pop culture does not make someone cool. Do not believe in the fashion industry. Most of the population lives in villages, farming to produce food, striving in the heat. They are not interested in pop culture. Even in cities, most of the population goes to work, standing in a crowded train. They do not care about clubbing. These people are truly the “coolest” not the teenagers following pop culture. The teenagers following such pop culture can do so because their parents are paying their bills for them. But, these same teenagers will judge their parents and others of the same age group for being old-generation, outdated, orthodox. They will mock anyone following traditions or talking about morals. If they can judge others, let others judge them as well.
Judging others is instinctive, it is okay. But, do not say it to the face of the other person. If you dislike someone, avoid that person, do not let him/her know. No one will like being called an over-inflated tadpole directly on the face.

Keep improving yourself. Do something that people recognize you, not the clothes you wear. Mark Zuckerberg is still Mark Zuckerberg even if he wears a different T-shirt. Do not get brainwashed by the fashion industry, films, and television. Do not let your desires control you. Focus on improving your body and mind. Be so great that things like fashion will become trifle for you.
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