“Sometimes one does despair of today’s youth. To them, concepts such as honor, duty, and self-restraint are as foreign as a Frenchman and no more acceptable.” – Raymond Fowler.
This is a quote from The thin blue line, a British sitcom. It is very rare to see a series mention moral values and concepts in the media industry which is dominated by wokeism and liberalism. The thing is, even though The thin blue line was a comedy, it is very sad to see most of the things mentioned in it turning into reality. The world needs to follow the morals mentioned in the show now more than ever. Indians had figured out the importance of these exact morals thousands of years ago. But, for most of the self-righteous population, living in a bubble, India is a country of naked, hungry, snake charmers. Also, the Indian media itself is doing no good, constantly portraying India as orthodox, patriarchal, regressive, evil, making Indians hate their own culture and values. So, we will stick with The thin blue line for the moment. Readers are more likely to listen to the good old Mr. Bean giving some life advice without getting offended.

Let us look at the overview of today’s media. There is no need to look at research but just simple observation is enough to know the sheer amount of self-destructive ideas promoted by films and television. Ideas like promoting smoking, drinking, clubbing, drugs, running behind sex, making pleasure the ultimate goal of life, communism, fighting against the self-voted government, corporates, defense personnel, and the entire world. Let us not forget the glorification of depression and justifying suicides. The worst part is, the media has been successful in planting these ideas into the minds of gullible masses. These disgusting practices have been normalized and anyone speaking against them is labeled as patriarchal and canceled. People talk about how it is their freedom and choice to do drugs but forget that it is also the right of others to provide facts against it.

Inspector Raymond Fowler described teenagers to be “sex-mad, tone-deaf, and impossible to understand.” Regardless of how funny this may sound, it is the reality. Considering that this was said in the mid-90s, the situation is way worse now. Childhood and teenage is the time when someone can be influenced easily. Most of the terrorists and suicide bombers are brainwashed at this age. In India, children were sent to Gurukuls where they had to strictly follow Brahmacharya. They were imbibed with in-depth knowledge about the universe, existence, emotions, spirituality, along with regular subjects like science, maths, etc. This is why India was one of the most prosperous and developed nations in the world. Indians knew the importance of duty, self-restraint, work, sacrifice, being willing to even sacrifice their lives to save their culture from invaders. This is what happens when the right values are imparted to teenagers.
But, most of the media industry is doing the exact opposite, including Indian media, especially Bollywood. Most of the Hollywood and Bollywood films are centered around getting laid and their distorted concept of “love.” Most of the Bollywood films strongly glorify the idea of committing suicide if a girl rejects you because for them, getting laid is the ultimate goal of life. Many teenagers have committed suicide, went into depression, because of rejection, their parents wept tears of blood.

Most of the films proudly show the lead character as a smoker, alcohol, drug, and sex addict. Because of the strong influence films have, people believe that such vices have something to do with heroism. Smoking is considered cool and losing virginity is thought to be a big achievement. Teenagers are more focused on satisfying their bodies, posting pictures of the backside on social media, rather than building a strong base for their life. Being controlled by desires and losing self-control is the new norm. All of this is not even the tip of the iceberg.
No matter how much the media tries to brainwash people into destroying their lives, the importance of values cannot be denied. All successful people follow values like self-restraint, duty, and sacrifice, knowingly or unknowingly. No one ever became successful by getting devoured by bodily pleasures. Entrepreneurs have to sacrifice pleasures to make time for work, doctors have to sacrifice sleep to save patients, soldiers have to sacrifice their lives for the nation. Getting devoured by desires is not the path to true liberation. Instead, these desires are the shackles that bind people, taking over their minds.

Now, anyone trying to preach good things like this is ridiculed for being patriarchal, orthodox, old generation. Even traditional clothing is considered patriarchal. People feel that by wearing sexualized clothing and posting pictures of their backside on social media, they are fighting some sort of toxic patriarchy. Telling people to wear decent clothing is now called oppression. Traditional clothing like wearing gold ornaments above the waist and silver below the waist helps to cool down the body. On the other hand, wearing so-called modern, sexualized clothing does nothing but allow others to feast on the wearer’s body. This should not be normalized.
The consequences of not following values are evident. Most of today’s teenagers are lost, lack self-control, get depressed easily, have minimal skills. Even after graduating, most of them are not capable of earning for themselves because they wasted their college time seeking pleasure. Most of them cannot even write a correct sentence. Due to their mistakes, many babies are raised in foster homes and orphanages where they lack proper upbringing. Even the upbringing cannot be proper because the adults themselves are misguided. Adults are no good either. Most of them have no idea what they are talking about. Divorce rates are high because marriages are taking place just for bodily pleasure and the consequences are faced by children.

The thin blue line showed Inspector Fowler attempting to slap a teenager for neglecting his baby. However today, that would be considered abuse even though the people are destroying their own life and the people around them. Inspector Fowler would be considered patriarchal, oppressive, and evil. In the series, the character is treated as a clown. His being punctual, strict, ethical, and celibate, to some extent, is portrayed as a joke. But, that is exactly what the world needs right now. People need to take control of their lives and unlock higher levels of thinking rather than getting sucked into the black hole of desires. One should be calm/even during times of happiness or sadness, success and failure, praise and hate, wealth and need. One cannot let external events and desires take control of oneself as there is no guarantee where one might end up. These desires can take one anywhere with no turning back.
“As you go to sleep, I want you to think hard about the lessons learned today. Think about turning over a new leaf. Will you do that?” – Raymond Fowler.
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One response to “Why the world needs moral values more than ever.”
[…] A productive, intelligent citizen is a big threat to communism. This is why the citizens have been weakened by throwing them in the black hole of vices. This topic has been covered in detail in this article: How films corrupt people. […]