So you have decided to begin your fitness journey. Here are six tips from Brawny King that will make your journey easier.

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1: Set Realistic Goals/Expectations
The number one thing any person new to the world of fitness should know is that “IT TAKES TIME.” Rome and all of those fit physiques on magazines, Instagram were not built in a day or a week or a month or a year.

It took years of effort to get there. Do not expect to build muscle in weeks, lose weight overnight. The human body does not work that way. It is not possible to get excellent grades by studying one night before the exam. Just imagine if people could get fit in weeks, if it is that easy, then everyone would have been a fitness model. The sooner you realize this, the better. You will not get demotivated later on cause you are not making progress as fast as you expected.
For a natural person, it may take 4 to 6 years to get close to his/her “genetically” best physique possible, and that too if he/she has an excellent training program, diet, and lifestyle. This brings me to my second tip which is
2: Understand Genetics
Genetics is what can make or break your day. Genetics is why Eddie Hall, World’s Strongest Man 2017 winner, looked like a gym-freak adult when he was just 14 years old. He focused on swimming with a little weight training.

Here is how he looked at the age of 16.

According to him, he weighed 224 pounds in that picture. Genetics is why Louis Cyr was able to lift a full-grown horse in his first strongman competition in Boston at the young age of 18.

Remember your science lecture at school. Everyone has different genetics. Do not get demotivated to workout just because you do not look like your favorite fitness model. Set realistic and achievable goals that will make your life better. Fitness should revolve around your life rather than your life revolving around fitness. Genetics is also why everyone needs a different workout plan. The workout that works for your friend may not work for you. And that is the reason why you should go slow and understand yourself. Which is the third tip.
3: Go Slow & Steady
The quote slow and steady wins the race is absolutely true when it comes to fitness. First optimize your lifestyle. Whether your goal is muscle building or fat loss or just anything, a healthy lifestyle should be your first priority. There is a detailed video on healthy lifestyle available to watch on Brawny King Fitness. When it comes to fat loss, if you gained 100 pounds in 5 years then do not expect to lose them in 5 months. Go slow so that your body adapts to the weight and maintains it. Stay away from any fast diets. Dieting is temporary. Follow only those things that you are sure you can follow even as you get old. Will you be able to live without salt and sugar for your entire life? Think about it.

As a beginner stick with the bro splits. Bro splits means training each body part or muscle once a week. Now you will say that training each muscle 2 to 3 times per week is optimal. But the reason you should go for bro splits is that as a beginner your muscles require more time to recover compared to an advanced athlete. On top of that, you might have a history of lifestyle problems. You may have the potential to train a muscle 3 times a week but just because you do not get enough sleep and diet your muscles will not be able to recover that fast. That is why follow the bro splits and examine how your body reacts. If it is easy then increase the frequency. If not then check your lifestyle.
4: Always Prioritize Proper Form and Technique
It is simple. Before you do anything, you should know how to do it. Not doing exercises correctly will cause injuries in the long run. Do not compromise your form for ego lifting just to show your friends that you are the modern Louis Cyr. If you have any posture problems then fix those first. Do slow reps, feel the muscles being worked, and do not ignore the eccentric part of any exercise. In simple words, Eccentric part is when you lower the weight or your body to the starting point. Do not just drop the weight relaxing the muscle. Start by taking 1 sec to lift the weight and 3 secs to lower the weight. Go slow. Push your limits. Try to get an extra rep when you feel like giving up.

5: Train All Major Muscles
If you goal is muscle building then train all major muscles like legs, chest, back, shoulders and core to build a proportionate aesthetic physique. Do not skip legs because people will tease you and because legs are your foundation. You use legs for majority of the time, cause you stand on them all day long. But today people use their fingers more and end up with muscle atrophy. Train your back with the same intensity as your chest cause having poor back muscles will give you posture problems.

However, there are certain muscles you can skip if you are not planning to become a serious bodybuilder like the forearms, traps and other minor muscles. Avoid isolation exercises as a beginner. Do not follow bodybuilding style workouts if that is not your end goal. Focus on building the entire muscle rather than isolating it as upper-middle lower inner-outer. Build that strong foundation first.
And now the final and THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT.
6: Subscribe to Brawny King Fitness
As a beginner, you need a genuine guide to make sure you get the best possible results without wasting any time. On Brawny King Fitness, you will find detailed home workout guides. As a beginner soreness will hit you hard and that is why Brawny King Fitness has also got a static stretches for all muscles that will relieve soreness. If at anytime you get demotivated then there are motivational videos that will fire you up.
Subscribe to Brawny King Fitness to watch high-quality, informative videos.