Do you know the difference between fat loss and weight loss? Ignorance of these two terms can lead you to fall into many scams going around in the fitness industry.
Do you know the fastest way to reduce weight? You can lose 80 pounds in just 3 days. All you have to do is buy a spacecraft and fly to the moon. The gravity of the moon is only 16 percent of earth’s gravity. If your weight on earth is 100 pounds, then your weight on the moon will slide down to just 16 pounds. Easy right? But the bigger question is… did you lose any fat?

Weight loss and fat loss are used interchangeably but these are not the same. To understand the difference let us go back to school days when you taught the definitions of weight and mass. Weight is the gravitational force applied to an object by another object, in this case, earth. More gravity, more weight. Maybe, you are not fat, you are just born on the wrong planet.
Mass is the quantitative measure of inertia. In simple words, mass determines how much matter there is in any object. It does not depend on gravity. A football will remain the same no matter which planet it is on. The mass will not change even if the weight differs. It means you are born on the right planet. Decrease in weight does not cause fat loss.
Your body consists of bones, organs, fat, muscles, and water. Water loss or dehydration causes instant weight loss. This is explained in detail in the video on sweating.
Let us look at how people can scam you by giving you instant weight loss. The first one is a low-carb diet. A gram of carb contains 3 grams of water. When you go on a low-carb diet you lose a lot of water from your body. So when you step on the scale you see a drop in weight. But this is not fat loss. It is just water that you will regain, once you go back to your normal diet.
The second thing is reducing salt. Salt also retains water. That is why reducing salt intake also causes weight loss. But again it is just water, not fat loss. Now do not go ahead and reduce your necessary salt intake. Healthy food does not contain excessive salt, unless you purposely put in extra salt. Junk foods contain a high amount of salt. Consider reducing those from your diet.

The third one is the false marketing of sauna. The sauna does have a lot of benefits. But fat loss is not one of them. You will lose water, not fat. Sometimes the weight loss can also be due to muscle loss, which is something you do not want.
This is why you should make a resolution to stay away from false marketing. Results in fitness do not come fast. If someone is promising a huge amount of weight loss or fat loss in a super short amount of time, then stay away from that. You will waste your time, money and finally give up. Protect yourself from scammers. Make a resolution to watch only good and legit content. If you want to lose fat then there are multiple videos on Brawny King Fitness. Watch those and work for your results and health. It will take time but it will happen.
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