Sir Johnny English is the greatest spy ever.
Not being sarcastic, Rowan Atkinson nailed the role. He’s got the deep and probably the smoothest voice in the world. His dialogue delivery is perfect when he says one-liners like “work hard, play hard”. But it is unnoticed because people know him for his very popular Mr. Bean role where doesn’t speak a lot. Sir Johnny English has an elegant personality that emits exquisiteness at every moment. It will take a long time to describe his great acting skills and personality.

Some say that Johnny English is a parody of James Bond. It’s like Mr. Bean becomes a spy. Sir Johnny English is not as silly as Mr. Bean. There’s a big difference between Mr. Bean, James Bond and Sir Johnny English. Sir Johnny English has got intense training in Kung Fu and his body is hard as a rock. Some sources revealed that when James Bond fails, Mi7 calls Sir Johnny English.

Johnny English can also be seen as an average person who becomes a spy. All mistakes Sir Johnny English makes are likely to be made by an average person as well. Not everyone is pro enough to assemble a gun or keep track of a hearse.

This time we are focusing on one particular scene that shines the most in the three films. It portrays the comparison between Hard work and Smart work. It’s the rooftop chase sequence from Johnny English Reborn.
Sir Johnny English is old but he uses his wisdom to his advantage. The scene shows what makes him great as a spy. It’s his presence of mind and out of the box thinking. He stays calm in that intense moment looks for an alternative, better and easy options. He’s unable to jump over the big cooler but he uses his cool mind and walks around it.

It’s the quality of water. When water cannot move a barrier, it finds an alternative path and flows around it. Learn to walk around or else you’ll end up like Professor Theodore von Schwarzenhoffen.

Or you’ll end up like Sir Johnny English himself in the previous installment when takes the drainpipe instead of the ladder.

Sir Johnny English learns from his mistakes and the results are visible in Johnny English: Reborn.
As he himself said:

Some doors aren’t closed, all you have to do is check.

There’s always an easier way out. Just look around.

When you aren’t strong enough, use the opponent’s strength against him.

Leave it to the professional Tucker.

Bonus: Brains over brawns. This is how you defeat a stronger opponent. That’s why Bruce Lee said to never take your eyes off your opponent.

In real life, avoid fights but when you are in one, don’t back out.